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[replay] The Etats généraux de la photographie : stakes and perspectives

Surveys Action to protect copyright
In July 2022, the structures associated for the Etats généraux de la photographie presented their survey on the state of the photography ecosystem, conducted at the end of 2021, during a round table at the Rencontres d'Arles available in replay.

August, professional training

Comic book calendar
ADAGP Comic Book Commission publishes the Comic Book Calendar for comic book authors. Get the latest news each month on key moments in the careers of comic book authors and important information on your rights, tax and social security status.

July, sick leave

Comic book calendar
ADAGP Comic Book Commission publishes the Comic Book Calendar for comic book authors. Get the latest news each month on key moments in the careers of comic book authors and important information on your rights, tax and social security status.

"Une photo, ça se paie." The campaign is online !

Action to protect copyright Cultural economy
Initiated by the Photography Commission, the #UnePhotoÇaSePaie campaign alerts, via social networks, on the consequences of the lack of recognition of the profession of photographer.

ADAGP co-signs a tribune on NFTs

Copyright and Internet Action to protect copyright
ADAGP is mobilizing alongside the major players in modern and contemporary art to ensure that the NFT market respects copyright.

June, Accountability

Comic book calendar
ADAGP Comic Book Commission publishes the Comic Book Calendar for comic book authors. Get the latest news each month on key moments in the careers of comic book authors and important information on your rights, tax and social security status.

May, the Urssaf declaration

Comic book calendar
ADAGP Comic Book Commission publishes the Comic Book Calendar for comic book authors. Get the latest news each month on key moments in the careers of comic book authors and important information on your rights, tax and social security status.

April: tax return time

Comic book calendar

In France, artists’ income is subject to payroll tax or to self-employment income tax.

March: current practices

Comic book calendar

At the origin was the drawn line, and then tools came into play. Charcoal, pigments, inks, brushes, pencils... the tools of creation have multiplied, as have reproduction techniques. From the 1990s on, the development of computer-based technologies has disrupted processes, design and colors with graphic palettes, digital image acquisition, and...